Watch our webinar to learn more about LOIS and find out how applying Open Innovation principles and methods can improve the novelty and impact of scientific research!

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Open Science Workshop – What’s in it for me?

The aim of the workshop is to provide researchers and administrators with hands-on examples of Open Science tools and workflow examples across various disciplines. We do not aim to discuss Open Science on a policy level, but rather want to help you discover what’s out there and how researchers can implement Open Science into their daily scientific routines. Together with the audience, we will explore open practices with respect to differences between scientific disciplines and show the added value that open approaches can generate for the researchers themselves.

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Ideas Lab
Mental Health for Children and Adolescents

LBG announces a four-year funded interdisciplinary research programme focusing on mental health of children and adolescents with specific focus on:

The hereditary and environmental conditions of disease outcomes

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LBG startet Open Innovation in Science Research and Competence Center

Die Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft verankert Open Innovation in Science (OIS) in Österreich. Nach erfolgreichen Pilotprojekten zum Thema startet die LBG jetzt das weltweit erste "Open Innovation in Science Research and Competence Center" (OIS Center). Die Aufgaben umfassen Forschung zum Thema OIS, Entwicklung von Methoden, Trainings und Services für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft.

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Open Innovation in Science: Einbindung der Bevölkerung in die Wissenschaft bringt neue Erkenntnisse

In einem für Europa einzigartigen Open Innovation-Projekt „Reden Sie mit!“ hat die Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft (LBG) PatientInnen, Angehörige und betreuende Fachleute in die Generierung von Forschungsfragen eingebunden.


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